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I can feel fatigue from waiting and searching for a woman that suits me setting in. I must say that yes their have been quite a few women but really when it comes down to it, small things make them change their mind. For example, I don't have a truck, I have a car. Now this is not by choice, this is due to the ever fluctuating economy. I am not some daddy's boy that has everything he wants. I was raised on a ranch to become a man, not a queer. I have my head on straight and I know how to work to get what I own. I have my own apt. Own car. I pay my own bills without anyones help and I have been down and didnt have any money at one point in my life. I however climbed out of the hole and I am standing on my own two feet. A little about me you should know besides what I have been through. I am very passionate about everything, from work to play. I have a son! No denial! He is my little man. I however do not get to see him but their is no drama. So it will stay as is until he is of age to understand. I love to work and get dirty doing things. I like to trail ride. I love horses, prefer my paints and appaloosas over anything. I listen to music and kick back with friends to drink. I love to watch movies and cook! I am great at everything I do from sports to dainty things with my girl. I have a lot of lesbian friends that love me cuz I dont bring drama to their world. I have a lot of rough friends that get into trouble with me.. yes I am a bad boy but I have my good side. I think I have spilled the beans enough. If you are interested and wanna know more get in touch with me with a pic and something about yourself. PICS MOVE TO THE FRONT OF THE LINE. put in the subject PUSHIN DAISY'S.... I hope to hear from some sexy women out there! Thanks
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